COR Regenerate


COR Regenerate Services

COR Regenerate

Near Infrared Sauna

The Near Infrared Sauna delivers infrared light through its bulbs, which penetrate the skin and act as a mild stressor, prompting the body to produce heat shock proteins.

COR Regenerate

Molecular Hydrogen Device

COR Regenerate


BEMER therapy delivers pulsed electromagnetic waves to stimulate micro-circulation in blood vessels.

COR Regenerate

Hyperbaric Chamber

HBOT involves breathing 95% oxygen while in a hyperbaric chamber. The air pressure inside the chamber is then increased to boost oxygen intake. ATA is at 1.5.

COR Regenerate


HOCATT™ stands for “Hyperthermic Ozone and Carbonic Acid Transdermal Therapy” and the machine acts as a personal ozone steam sauna.


Membership Has Partner Perks

  • Unlimited Near Infrared Sauna and BEMER-PEMF treatments
  • 10% off COR Regenerate and COR Body treatments
  • 10% off Nutrishop products
  • 10% off IV METHOD treatments
  • 10% off Peak Health
  • 20% off Bend & Stretch Physical Therapy services
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