COR Body


EmTone is a completely comfortable non-invasive approach to improving skin collagen and elastin.

Cellulite is a multi-factorial problem. Fibrous bands run from skin to muscle through the fat. When the bands pull downward on the skin, the fat pushes upward. Emtone simultaneously emits both radiofrequency and targeted pressure energy. Combined there is a synergistic effect that neither technology can achieve on its own.

Get rid of your cellulite today in just 1 treatment a week for 4 weeks.

COR Body Services

COR Body


Emsella is a non-surgical, non-invasive treatment for incontinence caused by a weakened pelvic floor.

COR Body


EMSCULPT NEO is a non-invasive treatment that combines Radiofrequency heating and HIFEM procedure to reduce fat and build muscle.


Membership Has Partner Perks

  • Unlimited Near Infrared Sauna and BEMER-PEMF treatments
  • 10% off COR Regenerate and COR Body treatments
  • 10% off Nutrishop products
  • 10% off IV METHOD treatments
  • 10% off Peak Health
  • 20% off Bend & Stretch Physical Therapy services
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COR Institute has many services to offer, come see for yourself! A guided tour by one of our knowledgable staff is a great way to get a head start on your unique wellness experience.

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