South Hill Structural Integration

Structural Integration

Structural integration aims to open posture and decrease restrictions that cause postural imbalances. Through this integrative approach, the body is able to operate with a healthier pattern of function and balance.

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Why Structural Integration?

  • Time, gravity, injury, along with life's activities can build an uncomfortably tight net where your fascia becomes constricted. Structural Integration can rebalance and revitalize your body's posture through slow and specific bodywork.


What Does Structural Integration Help?

  • Structural Integration can help alleviate low back pain, neck stiffness, shoulders mobility, foot pain, headaches and migraines, sciatic pain, and many other chronic conditions!


What Will I Feel?

  • Immediately after a session, each client will notice different changes. Most clients report feeling lighter, having greater ease of movement, and a significant decrease in body pain. Some people may experience mild soreness with this work, but overall clients will notice the broader benefits from this postural work.

Deep Relaxation & Tremendous Pain Relief

Structural Integration is manual bodywork that uses slow deep pressure applied in a systematic approach. Each session is comprised of a different goal and moments that realign fascia. We carefully work within each person’s comfort level and maintain active dialogue throughout each session.


Membership Has Partner Perks

  • Unlimited Near Infrared Sauna and BEMER-PEMF treatments
  • 10% off COR Regenerate and COR Body treatments
  • 10% off Nutrishop products
  • 10% off IV METHOD treatments
  • 10% off Peak Health
  • 20% off Bend & Stretch Physical Therapy services
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Tour Our Facility

COR Institute has many services to offer, come see for yourself! A guided tour by one of our knowledgable staff is a great way to get a head start on your unique wellness experience.

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